Sunday, December 2, 2012

December 2, 2012

Gosh, I guess I should re-title the blog "Ginger Hardly Any Day" huh? So sorry.. I will try to do better in the future!

Hard to believe as of the 6th Ginger will have been with our family a whole year. It doesn't seem like that long.  Here are a few photos to catch up..

She has taken to sitting behind me on our chaise lounge chair- in this first photo she laid her head between the cushion and my back..

Here are some other examples-

Please excuse the horrible picture of me- I don't usually look this bad- at least I hope not..

Walking in some leaves near our house..

Was so excited today to find this Mr. Bill doll on clearance at Target- I really had been wanting to get her one but they were $7 -$9 and I couldn't see spending even that on something she may (probably) tear up.. well this one was just a bit over $2 so I snatched it up. :)  So far she has only torn his mouth off. He seems pretty sturdy so we'll see how it goes.

Sorry some are so dark- sometimes if I use the flash in our living room they are almost too bright.
Nite nite!

1 comment:

  1. tracey it is always so nice to see pictures of your sweet Ginger. Have a Merry Christmas.
